Why are tax audits still the bogeyman of the honest businessman?
Tax audits are still a problem. Particularly in the case of businesses trading in goods, tax audits can even put a business out of business and plunge the director/owner into personal bankruptcy. What role do the courts play in this and what protection should there be? Peter Varga commented more extensively on this topic for […]
Taxation of bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies
Disbursement of money from the company during a pandemic
For a critical mass of entrepreneurs, 2019 has been a very successful year. For some, even 2020. However, many entrepreneurs did not pay out profits from their companies even because of the 7% dividend tax. Several have addressed this by, for example, increasing their coffers or continuously borrowing funds from the company. However, this is […]
Peter Varga and his short statement to Hospodárske noviny on the audits
Thanks to the “Sulík’s Kilek”, fewer companies will be subject to the audit obligation. In 2020 (for the accounting period that started on 1.1.2020 at the earliest), this obligation was imposed on businesses that met at least 2 of the following 3 criteria: In 2021, these criteria are increased as follows: And from 2022, the […]
How to optimise taxes? Video interview with Miki Plicht
Peter Varga accepted an invitation from Miki Plichta for an interview about tax optimization, their legality, criminal implications or foreign offshore structures. You can watch the full interview here:
How to set up and run a small investment fund? Webinar recording.
On 28.10.2020 we organized a webinar on the topic “How to set up and run a small investment fund?”. This is an area that we, as Highgate Group, deal with not only from a legal-regulatory point of view, but also from a tax-accounting perspective. The webinar was attended not only by entrepreneurs and managers from […]
Manual bookkeeping and inefficient tax and tax system still complicate the functioning of small and medium-sized companies – interview for Trend
As we provide accounting services within the Highgate group mainly to smaller entrepreneurs, Peter Varga outlined in an interview for the weekly Trend several current problems that still significantly distort the business environment in Slovakia. One of them is manual accounting, which makes it disproportionately expensive. Even though 2021 is coming, we still see some […]
Wave 2 and government measures to mitigate the economic impact
The pandemic is gaining momentum and with the restrictions, the government has prepared a new set of measures to mitigate the economic impact of these restrictions. These should apply from 1.11.2020 and include some existing aid, which the government plans to modify in content. In view of the experience with the liveliness of the adoption […]
Peter Varga provided TREND with his observations on the situation regarding Arca Investments
Only Arca Investments has applied for protection from creditors, does that mean that the other daughters and the mother can sell the property? Temporary protection from creditors generally applies only to the company that has applied for protection. Other companies in the group can thus dispose of assets. According to FinStat, several of their subsidiaries […]