Low interest in Slovakia from new innovative companies? Interview for STARTITUP

Domov > Low interest in Slovakia from new innovative companies? Interview for STARTITUP

Unresolved and frequently changing legislation contributes to low interest in Slovakia from new innovative companies. They are increasingly considering moving their business abroad.

According to the reform compass of the Institute for Financial Policy (IFP), Slovakia has slowed down significantly in catching up with the most advanced EU countries in the past decade. Employers point out that what the economy needs above all is a stable and predictable environment.

The future brain drain, as well as tax outflow from Slovakia, can be prevented mainly by a demonstrable effort on the part of the state to deal with legislatively more complex issues, a reduction of the tax burden and a more stable legal and political environment. The Ministry of Economy (MH) of the Slovak Republic has long been trying to remedy the most acute problems in packages of measures to improve the business environment.

Read the full article here : https://www.startitup.sk/slovenske-zakony-nahravaju-spekulantom-vo-velkom-zneuzivaju-konkurzy/

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