Accounting, tax and legal services under one roof

Domov > Accounting, tax and legal services under one roof

Who are our services for?

Small and medium-sized companies, clients who have several companies in the group, as well as one-person LLCs, which will certainly increase after 1 January 2025 (reduced income tax rate to 10% up to the amount of taxable income of EUR 100,000). We can also accommodate self-employed persons who are planning to move their business from a sole proprietorship to an LLC.

What does bookkeeping look like here?

Although as a company we operate in Bratislava, we manage accounting for clients from all over Slovakia and the Czech Republic. Clients are assured of electronic bookkeepingthat means that they submit all documents electronically by uploading them to the appropriate folder or by sending the documents via e-mail. We communicate with clients electronically (e-mail, Slack, WhatsApp), of course, if necessary, we are happy to meet with clients in person.

What are the client benefits?

Clients have the opportunity to enjoy the following benefits:

  • Setting up business structure, tax and legal optimization at discounted prices
  • Free access to the most widely used legal documents
  • 50% discount on consultations on various topics (shvarc system, ESOP, cryptocurrencies, tax optimization, sole proprietorship vs. LLC)
  • Free invoicing apps
  • 25% – 75% discounts on our conferences and webinars (invoice to your own company, use of company property for private use)

Ten rules that guide us in providing accounting services:

1. Transparent communication (answering the phone, responding to emails within 24h/48h).
2. Efficient processes in place for submitting documents that save time and simplify flow.
3. Notifying clients of upcoming deadlines for income tax, motor vehicle tax, withholding tax, payment of advance payments.
4. Quality and professional advice, explaining complicated laws and regulations in human language.
5. Application of innovative accounting features (OCR, approval processes, QR code, exports/imports, automation).
6. Paperless bookkeeping (no binders and shirts).
7. Continuous reporting of profit and loss and preparation of tax calculations at set periods.
8. Monitoring of legislative developments in terms of tax and accounting. Internal training of the accounting team.
9. Bookkeeping – inventory of accounts – reports – accounts payable/receivable balances.
10. Knowing how to admit an error and pay a fine on behalf of the client if it is due to the accounting firm’s misconduct.

What is the price for our services?

The basic package for bookkeeping starts at EUR 120,- / month. Within this price, we offer the client the processing of VAT returns, control statements and summary statements on a monthly basis. The client will certainly welcome basic accounting and economic consulting + preparation of basic reports as part of the package.

If you are interested in a more detailed quotation, please contact us via the contact form HERE.

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Law & Tax
Tomas Demo

Peter Šopinec

Peter Varga