Article for Hospodárske noviny with a practical comparison of state contributions for entrepreneurs

Domov > Article for Hospodárske noviny with a practical comparison of state contributions for entrepreneurs
Článok pre Hospodárske noviny s praktickým porovnaním štátnych príspevkov pre podnikateľov

Many small and medium-sized businesses have been quite dramatically affected by the economic impact of the coronavirus. Some of the entrepreneurs have had to close down their operations completely, others have seen their sales plummet as a result of the quarantine imposed. In an effort to mitigate the economic impact of the pandemic, the government has taken a number of measures to maintain employment and financially compensate affected businesses.

Given the many variants of the measures available and the fact that eligibility for some of the measures is, for example, precluded by the use of sick leave, vacation leave or sick pay on the part of employees, it is not easy for many businesses to navigate the various measures and the conditions for obtaining them. As a clear guide to navigating the tangle of measures, Peter Varga has provided an overview of several model cases in an article for Hospodárske noviny showing which combination of individual measures is the most advantageous for entrepreneurs and employers in specific cases.

An online version of the article is available here

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