Essential shops and services in Slovakia: an integral part of the functioning of society

Domov > Essential shops and services in Slovakia: an integral part of the functioning of society

In every company, there are a number of shops and services that are essential to its day-to-day functioning. In Slovakia, you will find many such essential shops and services that provide the basic needs of the population. In this article, we will look at some of them and their importance for the Slovak society.

A country’s critical infrastructure includes systems and activities that are essential to the successful functioning and security of the country. If these systems are disrupted or destroyed, there can be serious consequences for society, the economy and national security.

Critical infrastructure typically includes the following sectors:

  1. Energy: supplies electricity, gas and other energy resources to households, businesses and public institutions.
  2. Water: provides access to drinking water and the disposal and treatment of wastewater, thereby protecting public health and the environment.
  3. Information and Communication Technology (ICT): this sector provides telecommunications, internet, radio and data services that are key to communication, business and government.
  4. Transport: provides mobility of people and goods by road, rail, air and water.
  5. Health: provides basic health services and medical care, including hospitals, clinics and outpatient clinics.
  6. Financial services: ensures the functioning of the financial system, including banks, insurance companies and stock exchanges.
  7. Agriculture and food security: ensures sufficient food for the population and maintains food production capacity.
  8. Security services: ensures the protection of the population and the state through police, fire, military and other security forces.
  9. Production and distribution of basic goods: ensures the production and distribution of basic goods and services necessary for the functioning of the company.
  10. Government and public services: manages the running of the state and the provision of essential public services, including education.


Critical infrastructure is also defined as productive and non-productive systems, the non-functioning of which would have serious impacts on security, the economy, the maintenance of the necessary range of other basic functions of the state in crisis situations and the provision of the basic needs of life of the population.

  • Critical infrastructure protection is a process that, taking into account all risks and threats, aims to ensure the functioning of critical infrastructure entities and the links between them.
  • Critical infrastructure actors are the owners and operators of productive and non-productive systems that create critical infrastructure products or provide critical infrastructure services.
  • Critical infrastructure objects are selected public infrastructure structures and facilities and other elements owned or operated by critical infrastructure entities.

Essential shops and services in Slovakia

Food shops and supermarkets

Essential trade in Slovakia is food stores and supermarkets, where the population buys food and daily necessities. In the event of unpredictable situations such as pandemics or natural disasters, these stores provide food and basic necessities for the population.


Pharmacies are another of the essential stores that provide medical needs to the residents. They offer both prescription and over-the-counter medications, as well as medical devices and other supplies. In times of crisis, pharmacies are a key source for medical supplies and information.

Healthcare facilities and services

Healthcare facilities such as hospitals, outpatient centres and health clinics provide essential services in Slovakia. These facilities provide treatment and care for patients with a variety of health problems and are a key element in the fight against pandemics and other public health crises.

Police and fire services

The police and fire services ensure the safety and security of the population.

Water and energy services

Water and energy services are considered critical infrastructure of the state because they are essential to provide for the basic needs of the population and the functioning of the economy. Water utilities provide drinking water and provide wastewater disposal, while energy utilities provide electricity and natural gas to households, industry and other institutions.

Failure of these services can have serious consequences for public health, the economy and public safety. Lack of drinking water can cause disease and threaten public health, while lack of electricity can lead to disruption of critical systems and services such as health facilities, security systems and public utilities.


Banks are considered critical infrastructure of the state because they are essential for the functioning of the economy and the financial system. Banks provide services such as money storage, credit, money transfers, currency exchange and investment services that are essential for running businesses and meeting the needs of citizens.

An outage of banking services can have serious consequences for society as a whole, such as the inability to make payments, the loss of citizens’ savings, the failure of business transactions and the destabilisation of the financial market. For this reason, the critical infrastructure of the banking system is protected against a variety of threats, including cyber-attacks, terrorist attacks and natural disasters.

Most countries have strict safety standards for the banking system and the operation of banks is under the control and supervision of the central bank and other regulatory authorities. These authorities ensure that banks have sufficient capital to withstand unexpected losses and that measures are in place to protect against a variety of risks and threats.

Municipal services

Utilities are considered critical infrastructure of the state because they provide for the basic needs of the population and are essential to maintaining public health and safety. Utilities include drinking water supply, sewerage, waste collection and disposal, public lighting, public transportation, and other services that provide for the basic comfort and safety of the public.

The loss of these services can have serious consequences for public health and the environment, as well as for the overall quality of life of the population. For example, inadequate drinking water supply can cause disease, waste collection and disposal can cause pollution and spread of disease, lack of public transport can limit access to work and education.

Pumping stations

Slovnaft has a special position in the emergency situation in Slovakia, its network of petrol stations is subject to the critical infrastructure of the state. This means that it provides fuel for rescue and security forces.

Telecommunications and internet

Critical electronic communications infrastructure consists of physical electronic communications and information technology equipment, networks and assets which, if destroyed or rendered inoperable, invariably impact not only the electronic communications infrastructure as such, but also the other critical infrastructure of the state.

Internet and telecommunications outages can have serious consequences for the economy, communications, health and public safety. For example, it can cause disruption to critical systems and services such as financial transactions, health services, security systems and public services. In the event of a crisis, the Internet and telecommunications can be a critical factor in providing information and coordinating rapid and effective action.

Essential stores legislation

The term “essential traffic” or essential shops and services were frequently invoked during the Covid-19 pandemic. We find the term “critical infrastructure of the state” in the law and it specifically regulates this: Act No. 45/2011 Coll. – Act on Critical Infrastructure .

The importance of essential shops and services in Slovakia

Essential shops and services are essential to everyday life and the functioning of society. They provide basic needs such as food, medicine and health services, and ensure the safety and comfort of residents. Their importance was further underlined during the COVID-19 pandemic, when it was necessary to ensure the continuation of these services and access to essential goods despite restrictions and closures.


Essential stores and services in Slovakia are an integral part of our lives and ensure the successful functioning of society. As citizens of the Slovak Republic, we should be grateful for their presence and the ever-improving services they provide. It is important to recognize the value of essential shops and services and support them in our communities to maintain the quality of life we are accustomed to.

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