Our advice and media outputs on the corona crisis and assistance to affected entrepreneurs

Domov > Our advice and media outputs on the corona crisis and assistance to affected entrepreneurs

In connection with our advice to companies and entrepreneurs affected by the economic consequences of the coronavirus, we have been approached and have provided a number of interviews, articles and contributions to leading Slovak daily and weekly newspapers on topics related to the economic impact of the pandemic and our assistance to companies and entrepreneurs.

Interview for business magazine FORBES

At the beginning of April 2020, the founders Peter Varga and Tomáš Demo gave an interview for the Slovak edition of the renowned global business magazine FORBES. In addition to talking about our services, clients and added value compared to our competitors on the Slovak market, we also talked about our project www.zachranfirmu.sk and the opportunities and tools that companies and entrepreneurs can use to make their business financially survive the economic consequences of the coronary crisis.

The full article is available here https://www.forbes.sk/nie-vsetkym-podnikatelom-vie-stat-v-krize-naozaj-financne-pomoct-snazime-sa-o-to-aj-my/

Article on dividend payments for the daily SME

In April 2020, we were also approached by the SME daily newspaper with a request for an expert opinion on the possibility of dividend payments during a pandemic. In his article, Tomáš Demo presented the possibilities, limitations and risks associated with the payment of profits and excess liquidity from companies to the owners and statutory bodies of companies. One of the main themes of the article was the obligations and liability of the statutory bodies and owners of companies for the bankruptcy of the company and the damage caused to creditors by the unauthorised payment of funds from the company’s assets.

An online version of the article is available here https://pravo.sme.sk/c/22388093/ako-si-vyplatit-zisk-z-firmy-v-case-pandemie.html

Contribution to Hospodárske noviny on tax optimisation in 2019

One way for businesses affected by the coronary crisis to reduce their costs and improve their company’s chances of surviving the economic crisis caused by the pandemic is to reduce their tax liability for 2019. The fact that even in 2020 some entrepreneurs still have options to reduce their tax liability for the tax period of 2019 and what some of these options are described by Peter Varga in an article for Hospodárske noviny.

Interview for the economic weekly TREND

In response to the compensatory measures adopted by the government for entrepreneurs, the economic weekly TREND also approached us in April 2020 with a request for an interview. Peter Varga talked to TREND’s editor not only about the possibilities and conditions for using the measures adopted by the state to support entrepreneurs affected by the coronary crisis, but also about the tools offered by our tax and tax system that can help entrepreneurs to reduce their tax liability for 2019 even in 2020.

The full interview is available here– https://www.etrend.sk/podnikanie/advokat-varga-dovera-v-ekonomiku-sa-neobnovi-zo-dna-na-den.html

Article for Hospodárske noviny with a practical comparison of state contributions

In response to the economic restrictions caused by the coronavirus, the Slovak Government has taken a number of measures to maintain employment and partially compensate businesses for the reduction in their operations and the decline in sales. Many entrepreneurs find it difficult to navigate the many measures, the conditions for obtaining them and the restrictions on their use.

Peter Varga, therefore, in order to help entrepreneurs to navigate through the tangle of measures, described in an article for Hospodárske noviny several model cases showing which combination of individual measures is the most advantageous for entrepreneurs and employers in specific cases.

An online version of the article is available here https://hnonline.sk/prakticke-hn/2135859-padate-ku-dnu-ale-neviete-ktory-z-prispevkov-statu-si-vybrat-tu-je-prehlad

Contribution to Hospodárske noviny on the possibilities and limitations of agreement employment during the state of emergency

Our colleague and attorney Lukáš Makara gave an interview for Hospodárske noviny, in which, among other things, he talked about the possibilities and limitations of employment on agreements on work performed outside the employment relationship during the state of emergency and also with regard to the possibility of drawing state benefits.

An online version of the article is available at https://hnonline.sk/prakticke-hn/2148713-dohodari-ak-vam-klesol-prijem-aj-vy-mozete-mat-kompenzaciu

Interview for the daily POSTOJ

In an interview with the conservative daily POSTOJ, Peter Varga talked to the editor about the tools of tax optimization in 2019. Given the low flexibility of the Labour Code and the resulting, in many cases, liquidation costs associated with the termination of employment, another topic of conversation was the employment of freelancers and the possibilities and limitations associated with this. In the interview, Peter also briefly and practically explained how entrepreneurs can move and separate a healthy part of their business from another part of their business for which the economic impacts have been liquidating.

The full interview is available here https://www.postoj.sk/54044/ak-sa-zacnu-tocit-peniaze-ekonomika-sa-rozbehne-podcast


In addition to the above media contributions, we organised free advisory webinars for entrepreneurs throughout April via our www.zachranfirmu.sk project .

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Tomas Demo

Peter Šopinec

Peter Varga