Peter Varga and his short statement to Hospodárske noviny on the audits

Domov > Peter Varga and his short statement to Hospodárske noviny on the audits
Peter Varga a jeho krátke vyjadrenie pre Hospodárske noviny k auditom

Thanks to the “Sulík’s Kilek”, fewer companies will be subject to the audit obligation. In 2020 (for the accounting period that started on 1.1.2020 at the earliest), this obligation was imposed on businesses that met at least 2 of the following 3 criteria:

  • the total amount of assets exceeded EUR 2 000 000;
  • net turnover exceeded EUR 4 000 000;
  • the average number of employees in one accounting period exceeded 30.

In 2021, these criteria are increased as follows:

  • the total amount of assets exceeded EUR 3 000 000;
  • net turnover exceeded EUR 6 000 000;
  • the average number of employees in one accounting period exceeded 40.

And from 2022, the audit will only apply to businesses that meet at least 2 of the following 3 criteria:

  • the total amount of assets exceeded EUR 4 000 000;
  • net turnover exceeded EUR 8 000 000;
  • the average number of employees in one accounting period exceeded 50.

What is the opinion of our founder Peter Varga on these changes? Find below.

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