Peter Varga on financial regulation and taxes at TA3 conference on investing

Domov > Peter Varga on financial regulation and taxes at TA3 conference on investing

In November 2023, TA3 held its biggest conference to date. Various investment topics were discussed during the different panels. Peter Varga, who represented Highgate Group, commented on various tax and legal issues that surround the investment infrastructure sector in Slovakia.

In our practice, we often encounter structures where it is not entirely clear whether or not they should be regulated. Unfortunately, in some cases, ignorance can even lead to criminal law. Peter Varga demonstrated this risk with examples at our conference, which focused on real estate financing through various regulatory and tax structures. However, Peter Varga also spoke briefly about this at the TA 3 investment conference.

Scams with funds, bonds or other investment structures and opportunities?

As the regulatory jurisdiction of the NBS and the OČTK is often territorially limited, many investors in Slovakia fall victim to fraud. However, some of these fraudulent schemes are purely Slovak.

Taxation of funds in Slovakia?

At the time of the conference, there was a law in place that gave tax advantages to certain types of fund structures that was to be effective January 1, 2024. Although Peter Varga described the new tax regime, he quite astutely stated that the debate on the taxation of funds may be premature given the activities of the new government.

We have been actively dealing with the topic of funds in our practice for a long time, if you are interested in this topic, we attach links where we deal with it in more detail, namely:

in the following articles or lectures:

Setting up funds in Slovakia – accounting and tax pitfalls

Within the Highgate Group, we are relatively intensively involved in the topic of collective investment. In addition to our experience in setting up and running funds,…

Distribution of small Slovak investment funds

The legislative storm in the National Council of the Slovak Republic in June 2023 also resulted in some relaxation of the criteria for the distribution of small Slovak investment funds. The amendment to the…

Petr Varga’s lecture on the topic of taxation of funds in Slovakia at the SKDP methodological days

Following on from our largest conference to date, which looked at real estate finance through various regulatory and tax structures…

at our successful unique conference:

Unique conference Real Estate – Taxes and Financing

We welcomed more than 200 attendees to our largest conference to date, which focused on real estate financing through…

or as part of our video podcasts:

Video podcast: real estate investment funds

Host Lenka Buchláková discusses the topic of real estate investment funds with our partner Peter Varga and attorney Roman Baranca in the Highgate Talks podcast…

Tokenised financial instruments and real estate

Tokenisation of assets undoubtedly brings with it a number of benefits, but also challenges. Peter Varga summarized them at the conference as follows.

If you are interested in the topic of tokenised financial instruments, we have covered it in more detail in the following article: Issues of tokenised shares and bonds already in Slovakia? DLT Regulation

Taxation of portfolio rebalancing

In most cases, Slovak tax law has the ambition to tax the generation of income when rebalancing portfolios. However, there are institutes where taxation on rebalancing does not occur. Peter Varga also commented on this at the conference.

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Law & Tax
Tomas Demo

Peter Šopinec

Peter Varga