How to cash out your company profits in times of pandemic
The year 2019, as well as the previous ones, are described as years of economic prosperity. A number of companies have managed to generate profits that they did not regularly pay out due to dividend taxes, for example. Today, however, these businesses may also face existential problems caused not only by closed operations, but by […]
Interview for the daily SME on the possibilities and limitations of dividend payments
In April 2020, we were approached by the daily SME with a request for an expert opinion on the payment of dividends and excess liquidity from companies during a pandemic. In his article, Tomáš Demo described in a practical way not only the possibilities but also the risks arising for shareholders and statutory officers of […]
Interview for TREND on tax-legal measures related to the corona crisis
At the beginning of April 2020, Peter Varga gave an interview for the economic weekly TREND, the topic of which was not only the possibilities of using the measures adopted by the state to support entrepreneurs affected by the coronary crisis, but also about the tools offered by our tax-tax system, which can help entrepreneurs […]
Interview for FORBES business magazine
At the beginning of April 2020, the founders Peter Varga and Tomáš Demo gave an interview for the Slovak edition of the renowned global business magazine FORBES. Not all entrepreneurs can really be helped financially by the state in a crisis. We are also trying to do so. (Source: ) Peter Varga and Tomáš […]
Our advice and media outputs on the corona crisis and assistance to affected entrepreneurs
In connection with our advice to companies and entrepreneurs affected by the economic consequences of the coronavirus, we have been approached and have provided a number of interviews, articles and contributions to leading Slovak daily and weekly newspapers on topics related to the economic impact of the pandemic and our assistance to companies and entrepreneurs. […]
Interview of Petr Varga for the daily POSTOJ on measures to reduce economic losses of entrepreneurs
In connection with our advice to companies and entrepreneurs affected by the economic consequences of the coronavirus, our colleague Peter Varga was interviewed for the daily POSTOJ. The main topic of the interview was the measures and tools that can also be used by small and medium-sized entrepreneurs to minimize the financial losses caused by […]
Article for Hospodárske noviny with a practical comparison of state contributions for entrepreneurs
Many small and medium-sized businesses have been quite dramatically affected by the economic impact of the coronavirus. Some of the entrepreneurs have had to close down their operations completely, others have seen their sales plummet as a result of the quarantine imposed. In an effort to mitigate the economic impact of the pandemic, the government […]
Online accounting
COVID – 19 has undoubtedly affected just about every single business. Someone more significant, perhaps even liquidating, someone changes not yet felt. U.S. company Digital Commerce 360 conducted a survey in March 2020, according to which up to 47% of retailers expect some decline in sales, which retailers need to prepare for. A number of […]
Peter Varga for Hospodárske noviny on tax optimisation in 2019
One of the ways to increase a company’s chances of surviving the restrictive measures and, consequently, the economic crisis, is by reducing its tax liability for 2019. None of the government’s measures so far address the tax liability of companies for 2019. Even though it is 2020, there are still options for some firms to […]