Ivan Mikloš s Petrom Vargom o daňovej reforme

V štrnástom diele série videopodcastov Highgate Talks bol naším hosťom bývalý minister financií Ivan Mikloš, ktorý spoločne s naším partnerom Petrom Vargom a moderátorkou Lenkou Buchlákovou diskutovali o daňovej reforme z roku 2003 a či môže slúžiť ako prípadná inšpirácia pre zmeny v daňovom systéme. Vo videopodcaste sa venujú aj tomu, aké boli hlavné ciele […]

Peer to peer platforms – legal and tax framework

Peer to peer

The next installment in the Highgate Talks series looks at the legal and tax aspects of peer-to-peer platforms. The video podcast features a discussion between Mr. Michal Kiska, member of the board of directors of the Slovak peer-to-peer platform Zinc Euro, and our partner Peter Varga. Together they address topics such as what a peer-to-peer […]

Sale of a company and family succession – how to avoid stalemates?

In the twelfth episode of the Highgate Talks video podcasts, moderated by Lenka Buchláková, our partner Tomáš Demo deals with the topic of selling a company from the perspective of solving various stalemates between individual partners or unexpected situations that may arise during the life cycle of a company (e.g. death or divorce). The video […]

Investing in real estate through real estate funds

The topic of the eleventh episode of the Highgate Talks podcast is investing in real estate through real estate funds. In the podcast, our guest Tomáš Cár, transaction manager at 365.invest and Peter Varga, partner at Highgate Group, together with Lenka Buchláková discuss the advantages and disadvantages of investing in real estate funds, the issue […]

Sale of the company

The ninth episode of the Highgate Talks podcast series is dedicated to the topic of selling a business. The podcast is moderated by host Adam Sipos, who discusses with our partner Tomáš Demo, for example, when is the right time to sell a company, what such a transaction entails and how companies are prepared for […]

What is the shvarcsystem and where is its limit?

The eighth episode of the Highgate Talks podcast series covers the topic of the “Schwarcsystem”. Hosted by Adam Sipos, our partner Peter Varga discusses what the shvarc system is, whether it is widespread in Slovakia, as well as the difference between a trade and employment. They also address the disadvantages of such a system, where […]

How are ETFs taxed?

The topic of the seventh podcast in the Highgate Talks series is ETF taxation. In this podcast, our partner Peter Varga, as a moderator and discussant, together with Michal Májek, a member of the board of Tatra Asset Management, address the issue of ETF taxation from the perspective of the current legislation and the position […]

Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP)

The legislative regulation of employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs) has long been the subject of professional discussions. In 2023, the National Council of the Slovak Republic adopted a more extensive amendment to the Income Tax Act, the aim of which was to make ESOPs more attractive for tax purposes and thus promote this type of […]