
Venture capital a M&A

Sme právnymi, daňovými a účtovnými poradcami v oblasti M&A a private equity. Radíme pri investíciách rizikového kapitálu do rýchlo rastúcich spoločností (startupov). Poskytujeme transakčné poradenstvo po právnej, daňovej aj účtovnej stránke pre predávajúcich aj kupujúcich.

In the twelfth episode of the Highgate Talks video podcasts, moderated by Lenka Buchláková, our partner Tomáš Demo deals with the topic of selling a ...
Highgate Law & Tax has once again scored an outstanding success in the prestigious Law Firm of the Year competition, where it has maintained its ...
The ninth episode of the Highgate Talks podcast series is dedicated to the topic of selling a business. The podcast is moderated by host Adam ...
We welcomed more than 200 attendees to our largest conference to date, which focused on real estate financing through various regulatory and tax structures. We ...
Video recording from the Real Estate - Taxes and Financing Conference. Panel: Financovanie nehnuteľností Presented by Tomáš Demo (Highgate Group) Panelists Miroslav Hilčík (Wood & ...
Both small and larger Slovak or foreign investment funds investing in real estate enjoy constant high attention among Slovaks. However, in addition to setting up ...
Highgate Law & Tax participated in the prestigious Law Firm of the Year competition, the only one of its kind in Slovakia, which is attended ...
Our partner Tomas Demo was interviewed by Startitup on the topic of startups, investor requirements, buyers, common mistakes and best tips. Over the past 11 ...
Slovak startups are increasingly attractive to investors. What to prepare for if an investor enters the company? Slovakia is a country where a number of ...
As part of our advisory practice in Highgate Group We represent not only investors, but also a number of young and innovative companies. We often ...
In the twelfth episode of the Highgate Talks video podcasts, moderated by Lenka Buchláková, our partner Tomáš Demo deals with the topic of selling a ...
The ninth episode of the Highgate Talks podcast series is dedicated to the topic of selling a business. The podcast is moderated by host Adam ...
Highgate Law & Tax has once again scored an outstanding success in the prestigious Law Firm of the Year competition, where it has maintained its ...
We welcomed more than 200 attendees to our largest conference to date, which focused on real estate financing through various regulatory and tax structures. We ...
Highgate Law & Tax participated in the prestigious Law Firm of the Year competition, the only one of its kind in Slovakia, which is attended ...
Our partner Tomas Demo was interviewed by Startitup on the topic of startups, investor requirements, buyers, common mistakes and best tips. Over the past 11 ...
Slovak startups are increasingly attractive to investors. What to prepare for if an investor enters the company? Slovakia is a country where a number of ...
Both small and larger Slovak or foreign investment funds investing in real estate enjoy constant high attention among Slovaks. However, in addition to setting up ...
Video recording from the Real Estate - Taxes and Financing Conference. Panel: Financovanie nehnuteľností Presented by Tomáš Demo (Highgate Group) Panelists Miroslav Hilčík (Wood & ...
  • Komplexné daňovo-právne transakčné poradenstvo predávajúcemu pri predaji 90% obchodného podielu v spoločnosti DETOX s.r.o., jednej z najvýznamnejších spoločností podnikajúcich v oblasti spracovania priemyselných odpadov na slovenskom trhu;
  • Zastupovanie poprednej slovenskej investičnej platformy Crowdberry v súvislosti s nadobudnutím dodatočného obchodného podielu vo významnej slovenskej e-commerce spoločnosti GymBeam s.r.o. od spoluinvestora Slovak Investment Holding;
  • Daňovo-právne poradenstvo pre investičnú skupinu Ethernum Capital, pri vytvorení akvizičnej JV štruktúry s private equity fondom ETERUS Capital a.s., ktorej investičným zámerom sú konsolidačné akvizície lekární na území Slovenskej republiky;
  • Transakčné poradenstvo spoločnosti Dedoles a jej zakladateľovi pri rokovaniach o 10 mil. EUR investícii od skupiny investorov;
  • Kompletné právne poradenstvo nadobúdateľovi 100% podielu na spoločnosti EQUUS a.s., najväčšieho výrobcu mrazenej zeleniny na Slovenskom trhu;
  • Daňovo-právne poradenstvo pre globálne pôsobiacu skupinu Atlas Copco v súvislosti s nadobudnutím 100% obchodného podielu v slovenskej spoločnosti ACJ;
  • Právne poradenstvo významnej slovenskej spoločnsoti SEC Technologies, vyvíjajúcej unikátny detektor plynov pre obranný priemysel, pri príprave a rokovaní o transakčnej dokumentácii upravujúcej poskytnutie investície rizikového kapitálu spoločnosťou zo skupiny Crowdberry;
  • Transakčné poradenstvo inovatívnej spoločnosti FUERGY pri 16 mil. EUR investícii od investičnej skupiny Pro Partners Holding;
  • Zastupovanie poprednej slovenskej značky cyklistického oblečenia Isadore pri 2.1 mil. EUR investícii od investičnej platformy Crowdberry;
    poradenstvo skupine investorov pri 1.1mil. EUR investícii do spoločnosti REFRESHER Media.