Conference on the establishment and operation of investment funds

in person only

Date: 14. 06. 2022

Venue: Park Inn by Radisson in Bratislava

By attendance only with limited capacity
Conference Conference on the establishment and operation of investment funds

Information about the conference

About the conference

About the conference

Small Slovak or foreign investment funds are gaining more and more attention among Slovaks. Thus, investment funds for real estate, securities, derivative operations, venture capital or crypto-assets are emerging. Some of these are subject to regulation and some are trying to avoid regulation. In our legal and tax practice, we encounter a number of interesting business models that formally and/or materially touch on the fund business. For some business models, the fund structure represents a streamlining of legal and tax operations. For others, it brings disproportionately increased administration.

The themes of the conference will therefore be:

  • the boundary between collective investment and standard equity finance or crowdfunding from a regulatory perspective;
  • the role and practice of the NBS in the exercise of supervision, the administrative and criminal implications of non-compliance with the regulatory framework;
  • types of investment funds in Slovakia and the administrative and financial cost of setting them up;
  • shareholding structures in funds; founder-investor relations;
  • taxation and accounting of funds;
  • SICAVs and investment funds of qualified investors for Slovaks in the Czech Republic;
  • Tax and regulatory implications for Slovak founders and investors in foreign funds;
  • investment funds in selected countries abroad and overlaps to Slovakia.



Conference on the establishment and operation of investment funds

Kúpiť lístok
14. 06.
09:00 - 10:00
60 min

Where is the collective investment frontier

Speaker: Peter Varga (Highgate Group)

  • Where is the line between collective investment and standard equity financing or crowdfunding from a regulatory perspective?
  • What is the role and practice of the NBS in supervision?
  • Criminal contexts for non-compliance with the regulatory framework
10:00 - 10:15
15 min

Networking break

10:15 - 11:30
75 min

Types of investment funds in Slovakia from a regulatory perspective

Speaker: Peter Varga (Highgate Group), Roman Baranec

  • What types of funds do we know in Slovakia and to whom can they be distributed?
  • How can foreign funds be distributed in Slovakia?
  • What are their administrative, time and financial costs associated with setting up funds?
11:30 - 11:45
15 min

Networking break

10:15 - 11:30
75 min

Shareholding structure for funds

Speaker: Tomas Demo (Highgate Group)

  • What legal forms does the fund business take?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of a SICAV or a cooperative?
  • How to effectively set the rights of founders and investors?
12:30 - 13:15
45 min

Lunch at the Park Inn Hotel

13:15 - 14:15
60 min

Taxation and accounting of funds in Slovakia

Speaker: Peter Varga, Milan Gedeon (Highgate group)

  • What tax regimes does the fund business offer?
  • What are the specifics of fund accounting?
  • Does VAT apply to the management of funds?
14:15 - 14:30
15 min

Networking break

14:30 - 15:45
75 min

SICAVs and investment funds of qualified investors for Slovaks in the Czech Republic

Speaker: Dusan Klimes, Marek Joch

  • What types of funds and tax regimes exist in the Czech Republic;
  • What are the best practices for Slovaks setting up investment funds in the Czech Republic;
  • The administrative, time and financial costs associated with setting up funds?
15:45 - 16:00
15 min

Networking break

16:00 - 17:00
60 min

Tax and regulatory implications for Slovak founders and investors in foreign funds

Speaker: Peter Varga (Highgate Group)

  • Regulation of distribution in Slovakia;
  • Defensibility of foreign structure from the perspective of Slovak tax authorities;
  • Tax specifics for Slovak investors investing in a foreign fund.



200 € + DPH

The whole conference

Dátum: 14.06.2022
Miesto: Park Inn by Radisson in Bratislava
  • Unlimited access to lectures throughout the day

  • Refreshments


General Partner





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