Employee Stock and Option Plan (ESOP) in Slovak companies


Date: 21. 06. 2023

Venue: Hub Hub, Twin City C, Mlynské nivy 16, 811 09 Bratislava

Present only
Conference Employee Stock and Option Plan (ESOP) in Slovak companies

Information about the conference

About the conference

About the conference

Employee stock option plans (ESOPs) have become standard in Slovak companies in recent years.
And not only in start-ups, but also in larger and profitable companies.
Since the low unemployment rate and the related labour market situation have intensified the struggle for top people on the market, offering shares in the company is so often a condition not only for managerial positions.
The aim of our conference specifically dedicated to ESOPs is to show best practices of different types of such structures in a comprehensible way.

This is in terms of economic and psychological adjustment within the company as well as parallel legal and tax structuring (tax optimization).

Thus, the conference aims to fully demonstrate a comprehensive and practical view of the different variabilities of employee/contract participation in the profits/markets/exits of companies.
How are bad leaver/good leaver situations dealt with in practice, how to set up legal security for company owners, where is the market and best practices of Slovak companies today, what is expected and what are the trends from abroad?



Employee Stock and Option Plan (ESOP) in Slovak companies

Kúpiť lístok
21. 06.
08:30 - 09:00
30 min


Miesto: Hub Hub, Twin City C, Mlynské nivy 16, 811 09 Bratislava

09:00 - 10:00
60 min

How to set up an effective and functioning ESOP in a Slovak company

Speaker: Peter Varga, Tomas Demo, Miroslav Mulica

  • What are the most common types of employee shares in Slovak companies?
  • What are the tax implications of a sharp vs. shadow employee share for both the company and the employee? And what tax changes (and opportunities) does the amendment to the Income Tax Act bring?
  • Can these tax implications be legally minimised or avoided? Which forms of shareholdings are more advantageous?
  • Does the use of separate ESOP companies make sense from a practical, legal as well as tax perspective?
  • How do other "non-standard" types of remuneration work? (airdrops, other crypto assets, pay advances)
  • How much does it cost and how long does it take to set up an ESOP structure in a company?
  • Approaches to valuing a company when issuing an ESOP, plus practical experience.
10:00 - 10:15
15 min


10:15 - 11:15
60 min

Current trends and approaches in employee share issuance

Speaker: Peter Varga, Tomas Demo, Daniel Gaspar

  • Requirements of investors, buyers, business owners and employees - best practices
  • Gratuitous issuance vs. redemption of shares by employees
  • Vesting and KPI conditions for the acquisition of shares
  • Good Leaver and Bad Leaver staff departures
  • Approaches to management and employee option plans
  • Comparison of approaches to ESOP conditions in Slovak, Czech and US companies and foreign trends
11:15 - 11:30
15 min


11:30 - 12:30
60 min

Panel discussion with guests

Speaker: Daniel Gaspar

  • How does an investor view the implementation of an ESOP in a company?
  • Do ESOPs improve people's performance?
  • What forms of shares do Slovak companies offer to their employees?
  • What is the managerial experience with bad leaver situations, how to deal with it and precautionary set up?
  • Should employees only have a share in the profits (exite) or also participate in the decision-making of the company?
  • Experience from Slovak companies



60 € + DPH

Employee Stock and Option Plan (ESOP) in Slovak companies
– only by attendance

Dátum: 21.06.2023
Miesto: Hub Hub, Twin City C, Mlynské nivy 16, 811 09 Bratislava




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