Employee stock option plans (ESOPs) have become standard in Slovak companies in recent years.
And not only in start-ups, but also in larger and profitable companies.
Since the low unemployment rate and the related labour market situation have intensified the struggle for top people on the market, offering shares in the company is so often a condition not only for managerial positions.
The aim of our conference specifically dedicated to ESOPs is to show best practices of different types of such structures in a comprehensible way.
This is in terms of economic and psychological adjustment within the company as well as parallel legal and tax structuring (tax optimization).
Thus, the conference aims to fully demonstrate a comprehensive and practical view of the different variabilities of employee/contract participation in the profits/markets/exits of companies.
How are bad leaver/good leaver situations dealt with in practice, how to set up legal security for company owners, where is the market and best practices of Slovak companies today, what is expected and what are the trends from abroad?