Schwarz system

"Employing" freelancers - where is the limit?

A unique conference that aspires to be the only place where you can get answers to your legal, tax, levy and other economic questions

Date: 18. 04. 2024

Venue: Online / Pre-booked - Styla Event Hall

Conference Schwarz system

Information about the conference

About the conference

About the conference

The issue of the so-called “shvarc system” (i.e. the “employment” of freelancers/contractors) is a topic that has been a part of the Slovak business environment for decades. The main motive for the preference of contractors over employees is the obvious tax advantages. On the other hand, such an arrangement brings several challenges. These are mainly legal-regulatory challenges:

  • In which situations can a contractor be “employed” and when must the relationship be an employment relationship?
  • What are the penalties if the inspection body has a different view?
  • How often are inspections and which authorities inspect the shvarc system? or
  • How to set up rights and obligations in contracts and adjust the factual situation to reduce regulatory risks?

At the same time, it is certainly advisable to know the threshold beyond which such a possible illegal arrangement may have criminal consequences. Naturally, the Schwarz system also brings economic challenges. For the micro-economic ones, there is a whole range of tax-tax contexts and comparisons between a trade, a copyright contract, an employment or an SRO. This is not only in the context of the effective tax-tax rate, but also in the context of the obligation to pay health/social insurance premiums as well as social insurance benefits. For example, it is not impossible that for an individual of a certain age and with a certain work history, it is more advantageous to remain in an employment relationship as opposed to a trade, because the ‘delta’ of the amount of savings in a trade is not higher than the ‘delta’ of the amount of a higher pension at a certain life expectancy. Among the macroeconomic challenges, for example, an interesting one is that of tax optimisation, which speaks of its positive effect in terms of putting pressure on the state to manage more rationally. Whatever. This conference aspires to be the only place that wants to answer all the relevant legal, tax, levy and other economic contexts. We will be happy to see you there. Take advantage of the unique opportunity to attend the conference conveniently online or physically with limited seating.



Schwarz system

Kúpiť lístok
18. 04.
08:00 - 08:45
45 min

Registration of guests and morning coffee

Miesto: Styles Event Hall

08:45 - 09:20
35 min

Opening of the conference - The Schwarz system as a social and economic phenomenon

Speaker: Peter Varga (Highgate Group), Martin Vlachynský (INESS - Institute of Economic and Social Analyses)

09:20 - 10:30
70 min

Tax-tax comparison of different legal regimes

Speaker: Peter Varga (Highgate Group)

  • Trade vs. employment vs. SRO;
  • Taxes and levies on various copyright contracts;
  • Different forms of employment relationships and tax and tax implications;
  • Impacts on pensions;
  • Implications for maternity and various creative setup options;
  • Impacts on other benefits (e.g. unemployment benefit, sick leave,...);
  • Various case studies.
10:30 - 10:45
15 min

Coffee break

10:45 - 12:00
75 min

Legal and regulatory challenges

Speaker: Peter Varga (Highgate Group)

  • In which situations can a contractor be "employed" and when must the relationship be an employment relationship?
  • What are the penalties if the inspection body has a different view?
  • How often are inspections and which authorities inspect the shvarc system?
  • How to adjust the factual situation to reduce regulatory risks?
  • Experience.
12:00 - 13:00
60 min

Lunch break

13:00 - 14:15
75 min

Setting up contracts with contractors

Speaker: Peter Varga (Highgate Group), Katarína Matulníková (Wolf Theiss Bratislava)

  • The Labour Code and its provisions do not reflect current economic realities;
  • The potential rigidity of the Labour Code for the proper setup of a contractor's contract;
  • Which contract provisions are problematic?
  • How to set rights and obligations in contracts to reduce regulatory risks?
  • Various case studies.
14:15 - 14:30
15 min

Coffee break

14:30 - 15:30
60 min

The Schwarz system and the criminal law context

Panelisti: Prof. JUDr. Tomáš Strémy, PhD.

Speaker: Peter Varga (Highgate Group)

  • Discussion with Prof. JUDr. Tomáš Strémy, PhD.



300 € + DPH



Ticket for the conference Švarc system

Dátum: 18.04.2024
Miesto: Styla Event Hall, Studená ulica 4B, 821 04 Bratislava
  • The participant receives a checklist of the essentials for the correct setup of contracts with contractors

  • Participants can interact directly with experts during the conference and outside the official programme

  • Attendees can ask questions directly to the presenters during the conference or via Slido

  • Networking

  • Refreshments during breaks and lunch together

  • Limited number of tickets


160 € + DPH


Ticket for the conference Švarc system

Dátum: 18.04.2024
Miesto: Online
  • The participant receives a checklist of the essentials for the correct setup of contracts with contractors

  • Participant can ask questions to presenters via Slido

  • Online access to lectures throughout the day






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