Tax and legal optimization for digital / IT companies (28.11. and 29.11.2022)


Date: 28. 11. 2022

Venue: AC HOTEL by Marriott in Bratislava

only by attendance with limited capacity
Conference Tax and legal optimization for digital / IT companies (28.11. and 29.11.2022)

Information about the conference

About the conference

About the conference

We advise a large number of Slovak start-ups and existing digital and IT companies in the areas of law, tax and accounting.
We have a relatively intimate knowledge of the related realities of this segment.
Whether it is the topic of tax and tax optimization, “employing freelancers”, investor entry, establishing a holding company, automated accounting, ESOPs, legal, practical and tax pitfalls of scaling a business abroad or operating with crypto, these are all topics that we encounter in practice.
So we hope you will enjoy this conference. Register now You can register for the whole conference or just the parts that interest you.



Tax and legal optimization for digital / IT companies (28.11. and 29.11.2022)

Kúpiť lístok
28. 11.
09:00 - 10:00
60 min

Sale of the company or entry of an investor

Speaker: Peter Varga, Tomas Demo, Michal Nespor

  • What are the basic situations and types of investor entry into companies?
  • What are the key motivations and areas of interest for the investor and the company owner?
  • What should an IT firm focus on to maximize the benefits of the investment for the firm and the business owner?
  • Structured transactions and relevant tax implications from an income tax perspective (e.g. tax burden through a Slovak vs. a foreign holding company);
  • Transaction Experience;
10:00 - 10:15
15 min

Networking break

10:15 - 11:15
60 min

Relevant financial ratios for the sale of the company or the entry of an investor

Speaker: Milan Gedeon, Miroslav Mulica

  • What is of interest to the investor or the buyer in accounting?
  • Risks associated with incorrect accounting;
  • Capitalization of the company;
  • Transaction Experience;
11:15 - 11:30
15 min

Networking break

11:30 - 12:30
60 min

Panel discussion on efficient and transparent accounting

Speaker: Peter Šopinec, Kamil Krajňak, Branislav Šimo

  • Transparency in accounting;
  • Automation of accounting processes in small and medium-sized companies;
  • Digitisation of accounting;
  • Experience;
12:30 - 13:30
60 min

Lunch at the Marriott Hotel

28. 11. 2022 2. časť

Kúpiť lístok
13:30 - 14:15
45 min

Foreign IT contractors and work "from Bali"

Speaker: Peter Varga

  • Withholding taxes on payments to foreign contractors;
  • Working from "Bali" - tax and levy implications;
  • Setting up contract documentation;
14:15 - 14:30
15 min

Networking break

14:30 - 15:30
60 min

ESOP - Best practice

Speaker: Peter Varga, Tomas Demo

  • What forms of shares and options can Slovak companies offer to their employees?
  • Legal and practical context;
  • Tax and levy context;
  • Cross-border structure and practical experience;
15:30 - 15:45
15 min

Networking break

15:45 - 16:45
60 min

Functioning in the crypt

Speaker: Peter Varga, Vladimíra Mačuhová

  • Receiving retribution and paying contractors in the crypt;
  • Types of crypto projects (token issuance, management, consulting, community token,...) and regulatory and tax aspects;
  • Accounting and tax pitfalls in Slovakia and best practice when leaving Slovakia;
  • Experience;

29. 11. 2022 1. časť

Kúpiť lístok
09:00 - 10:15
75 min

Scaling IT business abroad

Speaker: Peter Varga

  • Do I need to have a company abroad in different business situations?
  • Establishment of a permanent establishment, VAT regimes, withholding taxes;
  • A company in an offshore jurisdiction from a legal, tax and practical perspective;
  • Holding abroad - advantages and disadvantages;
  • Investor requirements for foreign structure;
  • Protection of the owner's private property in the context of the political situation in Slovakia;
  • Transfer pricing;
10:15 - 10:30
15 min

Networking break

10:30 - 11:15
45 min

Topics suggested by you

Speaker: Peter Varga, Tomas Demo

  • Electronic signing;
  • SRO vs trade vs employment of IT workers - implications for social insurance benefits;
11:15 - 11:30
15 min

Networking break

11:30 - 12:30
60 min

Software contracts with customers

Speaker: Tomas Demo, Matej Mihálech

  • Framework or one-off contracts;
  • Waterfall vs. agile SW development;
  • Licensing Terms;
  • Warranties and liability for defects in the SW;
  • Problematic provisions - experience from practice;
12:30 - 13:30
60 min

Lunch at the Marriott Hotel

29. 11. 2022 2. časť

Kúpiť lístok
13:30 - 14:15
45 min

Structuring your business to the USA

Speaker: Marián Volent

  • How best to enter the US market;
  • Where can I get some help/information/grants?
  • What is the tax and administrative burden?
  • How to choose the right lawyer and accountant?
  • How to get into the investors/funds horizon?
  • In which state are the best conditions to enter the US market?
14:15 - 14:30
15 min

Networking break

14:30 - 15:30
60 min

Tax optimization for digital and IT companies

Speaker: Peter Varga, Milan Gedeon

  • Holding structure - owner protection;
  • Patent Box and Supercomputing - how some IT companies do not have to pay income tax in Slovakia;
  • Other tax and levy types and practical experience;
  • When is tax optimisation already a criminal offence;
15:30 - 15:45
15 min

Networking break

15:45 - 16:45
60 min

Schwarz system

Speaker: Peter Varga

  • Tax-tax implications and calculations;
  • Impact on employees' social insurance benefits (maternity, pension, sick leave,...);
  • What impact does the change to a sole trader's trade have on a sole trader's pension?
  • Analysis of court decisions that have dealt with the topic;
  • Practice of tax administrations and labour inspectorates;
  • Criminal liability;
  • Setting up contracts with contractors;


Part 1

160 € + DPH

Dátum: 28.11.2022
Miesto: AC HOTEL by Marriott in Bratislava
  • Refreshments

  • joint networking lunch

  • access to lectures in the selected section

Part 2

130 € + DPH

Dátum: 28.11.2022
Miesto: AC HOTEL by Marriott in Bratislava
  • Refreshments

  • joint networking lunch

  • access to lectures in the selected section

The whole conference

400 € + DPH

Dátum: 28.11.2022
Miesto: AC HOTEL by Marriott in Bratislava
  • Refreshments

  • joint networking lunch

  • unlimited access to lectures



General Partner




Highgate Law & Tax s. r. o., Nivy Tower, Mlynské Nivy 5, 821 09 Bratislava, ID No.: 51 477 262; will rely on its legitimate interest under Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR to make photo and video documentation of interesting moments of the conference and its participants, which may subsequently be used for the purposes of marketing activities and promotion of the company.

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