Options for paying out owners from the company

As paying out through salary or statutory remuneration is not a cost-effective solution for most businesses, we can help our clients set up alternative options for paying out of the business.

Options for paying out owners from the company

As part of providing operational accounting services, we strive to help clients find tax-efficient and legally defensible forms of disbursement from the company, taking into account related issues such as:

  • Is it better to pay yourself a salary or a statutory officer’s remuneration or neither?
  • What is the impact on social security benefits or minimum contributions?
  • Is invoicing to your own company defensible? .

There are several relevant options and we try to tailor them individually to the needs of each client in the context of their specific needs (e.g. life situation) and the specific capabilities of the firm. As legal and tax advisors, we look for solutions that expose the statutory and shareholders to the least possible tax, commercial and criminal risks.

High cash or receivable from a shareholder

As our accounting clients are mainly smaller and medium-sized companies, we understand the dynamics of the practical issues and contexts that line the Slovak business world. Given that such practices can be risky for both statutory and shareholders, we help our clients to organize their disbursements from the company legally, tax-wise, accounting-wise and practically so that such practices do not occur.

Implementation of individual solutions

We create tailored ways for clients to get out of the company. As legal and tax advisors, we then provide the actual implementation, including the preparation of the relevant legal documentation (if necessary).

If we also bill the client, the implementation is simpler and at the same time without exposing the client to the need to mediate the communication between us and their accountant. However, if we do not bill the client, we can also communicate and collaborate with the client’s accountant when implementing the solution, provided that the accountant is not our direct competitor.

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Law & Tax
Tomas Demo

Peter Šopinec

Peter Varga