Financial regulation, funds, securities

We are specialised advisers on financial (capital) market regulation, payment services and investment services, financial intermediation and financial market business.

Where do we advise?

We are specialised advisers on financial (capital) market regulation, payment services and investment services, financial intermediation and financial market business.

For our clients we provide comprehensive legal and tax advice on the issue of securities (shares, bonds), including the preparation of the necessary corporate and investor documentation(prospectus) and communication with the National Bank of Slovakia (NBS).

As one of the few legal and tax advisors in Slovakia, we have long been involved in the legal, tax and accounting regulation of collective investment. We provide comprehensive tax and legal advice on the set-up and establishment of domestic and cross-border fund structures (EuVECA, SICAV) with a focus on the treatment of regulatory, tax and accounting risks of fund operations. We represent clients in licensing, registration as well as supervisory proceedings before the NBS. We have been awarded as a recommended law firm in the Law Firm of the Year Awards in 2022 and 2023 for banking and finance advisory services.

In June 2022, we organized the largest Slovak conference on the establishment and operation of investment funds, and we organize webinars on the topic of establishing and operating funds, write ebooks and regularly publish in leading Slovak periodicals and media.

We advise clients in the areas of financial regulation, fund advisory and securities primarily in the following areas:

  • Legal-tax analysis and design of domestic and cross-border fund structures;
  • Establishment of domestic and cross-border fund structures (AIFs, Licensed Funds, EuVECA, SICAVs);
  • Legal and tax advice with treatment of regulatory, tax as well as accounting risks in the field of collective investment;
  • AML advice;
  • Advising on financial (capital) market regulation, payment services and investment services, financial intermediation and financial market business;
  • Legal and tax advice on the issue of securities (shares, bonds);
  • Taxation of sales of shares, stock and other capital gains; and
  • Representation in registration, licensing and inspection proceedings before the NBS.

Our courses and training

For those who want to educate themselves

For those who want to educate themselves


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Need help or advice? Reach out to us.

Law & Tax
Tomas Demo

Peter Šopinec

Peter Varga