
Daňová a odvodová optimalizácia

Klientom poskytujeme komplexné poradenstvo pri optimalizácii ich podnikania z daňovo-odvodovej, ale aj právnej a účtovnej stránky. Optimalizáciu navrhujeme individuálne tak, aby bola obhájiteľná, a aby zohľadňovala všetky praktické implikácie jednotlivých biznis modelov.

V štrnástom diele série videopodcastov Highgate Talks bol naším hosťom bývalý minister financií Ivan Mikloš, ktorý spoločne s naším partnerom Petrom Vargom a moderátorkou Lenkou ...
Highgate Law & Tax has once again scored an outstanding success in the prestigious Law Firm of the Year competition, where it has maintained its ...
In recent years, the EU has adopted a number of legislative provisions to combat illegitimate tax optimisation in cross-border business activities. A number of them, ...
Estonia has a unique tax system and voices are regularly raised that it could be a model and inspiration for Slovakia. What are the highlights ...
As the topic of tax optimization is the Highgate Group’s domain, in addition to his own conferences and workshops, Peter Varga also participates in various ...
In the second Highgate Talks podcast, our partner Peter Varga discusses the possibilities of a preferential tax regime for young people, especially the legal and ...
Highgate Law & Tax participated in the prestigious Law Firm of the Year competition, the only one of its kind in Slovakia, which is attended ...
Yes, but also no. But let’s start with the fact that the burden of proof is on the taxpayer. Therefore, even if we set up ...
V štrnástom diele série videopodcastov Highgate Talks bol naším hosťom bývalý minister financií Ivan Mikloš, ktorý spoločne s naším partnerom Petrom Vargom a moderátorkou Lenkou ...
Estonia has a unique tax system and voices are regularly raised that it could be a model and inspiration for Slovakia. What are the highlights ...
In the second Highgate Talks podcast, our partner Peter Varga discusses the possibilities of a preferential tax regime for young people, especially the legal and ...
Highgate Law & Tax has once again scored an outstanding success in the prestigious Law Firm of the Year competition, where it has maintained its ...
Highgate Law & Tax participated in the prestigious Law Firm of the Year competition, the only one of its kind in Slovakia, which is attended ...
In November, we organized a big event at the Marriott Hotel in Bratislava business conference dealing with legal and tax issues for entrepreneurs from a ...
In November 2022, Peter Varga gave a lecture for clients of the educational company SEMINARIA on the possibilities of tax optimization. The lecture was attended ...
Slovakia has become a tax haven for innovative companies. The favourable tax regimes of patent box and super deduction can help IT companies to save ...
The ongoing real estate boom, rising property prices, inflation, but also the announced increase in interest rates raise the question of who and under what ...
Peter Varga gave an interview for TouchIT on the topic of preferential tax regime for developmentally active Slovak IT companies. These are the institutes of ...
Peter Varga was interviewed by FORBES on several practical tax topics. Can luxury watches, handbags or microwaves be considered tax expenses? Under what circumstances? Read ...
If you have income from the sale of your flat or house, you are not always exempt from tax and insurance premiums. Peter Varga and ...
Slovakia has become a tax haven for IT development companies. In addition to the super deduction(more information), the state has relatively recently implemented in our ...
We advise a large number of Slovak start-ups and existing digital and IT companies in the areas of law, tax and accounting. We have a ...
In September, 131 Members of Parliament voted in favour of a reduction in income tax for companies and individuals with a turnover of up to ...
The advertising, digital, PR and event services business is different in a number of ways from traditional business sectors. In most cases, creative content creation ...
Boundaries are blurring and distances are becoming more relative. IT business is perhaps most affected by the increasing globalisation and positive technological developments. A Slovak ...
The spinning of non-DPA companies may also have criminal implications Our accounting clients enjoy a 75% discount. Please contact to get the promo code
This is a recording of an 80-minute lecture from our conference on legal and tax optimization for technology companies (more info here), which we organized ...
This is a recording of a 55-minute lecture from our conference on legal and tax optimization for technology companies (more info here), which we organized ...
This is a recording of an 80-minute lecture from our conference on legal and tax optimization for technology companies (more info here), which we organized ...
This is a recording of a 55-minute lecture from our conference on legal and tax optimization for technology companies (more info here), which we organized ...
This is a recording of a 45-minute lecture from our conference on legal and tax optimization for technology companies (more info here), which we organized ...
For whom is an offshore company still worthwhile today and what are the pitfalls? Our accounting clients enjoy a 75% discount. Please contact to ...
It is still a phenomenon in business practice to use company money or other assets for private purposes. Our accounting clients enjoy a 75% discount. ...
In this training, we discuss in great detail the comparison of the tax and levy burden of a one-person SRO and the so-called "single-person SRO". ...
  • Kontinuálne právne a daňové poradenstvo pre podnikanie najznámejšej zahraničnej digitálnej platforme na Slovensku vo vzťahu k rôznym inovatívnym biznis modelom;
  • Kontinuálne právne a daňové poradenstvo pre celú paletu slovenských inovatívnych spoločnosti v súvislosti s nastavovaním štruktúry podnikania, daňovej optimalizácií (využívaním efektívnych daňových režimov), cezhraničné aktivity, zakladania spoločností v zahraničí, ochrana majetku, atď;
  • Pravidelné právne a daňové poradenstvo malým (aj „jednosobovým sro“), stredne veľkým a väčším spoločnostiam v súvislosti s nastavovaním ich daňovo-odvodového zaťaženia;
  • Komplexné právne a daňové poradenstvo pre slovenskú developerskú skupinu v súvislosti s jej internou reorganizáciou, zahŕňajúcou zlúčenia, transferové oceňovania, zakladanie zahraničných štruktúr a podobne;
  • Daňové poradenstvo pre zdravotnícku skupinu v súvislosti s rôznymi DPH režimami v zdravotníctve, reorganizáciou skupiny a každodennými operatívnymi daňovými súvislosťami;
  • Daňové a regulačné poradenstvo slovenskej banke pri nastavení a vytváraní nového inovatívneho produktu na predčasné vyplácanie mzdy, zahŕňajúce aj poradenstvo pri DPH aspektoch takéhoto biznis modelu a možnosti uplatnenia zvýhodneného daňového režimu Patent Box;
  • Komplexné daňové a odvodové poradenstvo (daň z príjmov, DPH, povinnosti v súvislosti so vznikom stálej prevádzkarne, payroll poradenstvo) v súvislosti so zmenou distribučného modelu globálnej kozmetickej značky;
  • Daňovo poradenstvo medzinárodnej platobnej inštitúcii pri menšej reorganizácii jej skupiny.