
Krypto a právne a daňové štruktúry

Poskytujeme právne, regulačné a daňové poradenstvo pre klientov podnikajúcich v oblasti kryptoaktív, a to tak poskytovateľom služieb kryptoaktív, ako aj emitentom pri emisiách kryptoaktív. Klientov zastupujeme aj v licenčných konaniach pred Národnou bankou Slovenska. Ako jedni z mála poradcov aj účtujeme spoločnosti podnikajúce s kryptoaktívami.

Regulation (EU) 2023/1114 of the European Parliament and of the Council on markets in crypto-assets (“MiCA”) represents a significant step in the regulation of crypto-assets ...
What is the MiCA Regulation? The MiCA regulation, commonly known as. The Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation (or MiCA for short ) is a robust regulatory ...
In the tenth episode of the Highgate Talks podcast, host Lenka Buchláková discusses with our partner Peter Varga the current topic of the European regulation ...
Not only the MiCA regulation, which will be effective for individual cryptoasset market players gradually from summer 2024 and with a transition period until summer ...
The taxation of sales of crypto assets, including virtual currencies (i.e. cryptocurrencies), remains for individuals after 1. 1. 2024, the principle is the same as ...
In June 2023, the National Bank of Slovakia organised a very successful conference on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the National Bank of ...
In October 2023, the National Bank of Slovakia organised a very successful conference Slovak Financial Market and Innovations. Peter Varga participated in the panel on ...
Changes in crypto taxation that have been in effect since the beginning of this year bring Slovakia closer to the status of a “crypto paradise”. ...
In our first podcast of the Highgate Talks series, hosted by Lenka Buchláková, our partner Peter Varga discusses the changes in taxes and levies related ...
We have tried tokenisation of assets in the Slovak legal environment several times. Whether it was a standard STO (security token offering) or the distribution ...
In the tenth episode of the Highgate Talks podcast, host Lenka Buchláková discusses with our partner Peter Varga the current topic of the European regulation ...
In our first podcast of the Highgate Talks series, hosted by Lenka Buchláková, our partner Peter Varga discusses the changes in taxes and levies related ...
In June 2023, the National Bank of Slovakia organised a very successful conference on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the National Bank of ...
In October 2023, the National Bank of Slovakia organised a very successful conference Slovak Financial Market and Innovations. Peter Varga participated in the panel on ...
The topic of crypto assets is a multidisciplinary topic. In addition to financial regulation, it is the area of taxation and accounting that requires special ...
Lawyers from Highgate Group, who are part of the Ministry of Finance’s working team for the preparation of legislation, have drafted a legislative proposal for ...
The lecture was organized by C.H. Beck Publishing and took place in mid-September 2022. As a consultant, Peter Varga works with state authorities not only ...
Peter Varga gave an interview to Refresher on taxation of cryptocurrencies in Slovakia. In addition to the standard themes that have long surrounded this issue, ...
In practice, different methods are used. These include, for example, “transfers” of cryptocurrencies to domestic or foreign legal entities, changes of residences or deposits into ...
Peter Varga lectured on VAT and crypto-assets during the traditionally held methodical days at the Slovak Chamber of Tax Advisors. In addition to approximately 200 ...
Since we have a lot of experience with real projects in the field of blockchain and virtual currencies, our partner Peter Varga gave an interview ...
Given that as Highgate Group we have a very rich experience in legal, tax and accounting grasp of the quite broad ecosystem around blockchain, we ...
Not only the MiCA regulation, which will be effective for individual cryptoasset market players gradually from summer 2024 and with a transition period until summer ...
Blockchain has brought a whole new dimension to the perception of the functioning of society. Blockchain has not only become a challenge for the IT ...
This is a recording of a 55-minute lecture from our conference on legal and tax optimization for technology companies (more info here), which we organized ...
A practical guide to accounting for the purchase, sale and donation of cryptocurrencies (virtual currencies) in a trading company.
Is it possible to circumvent the 25% + 14% taxation? What are the risks involved? Our accounting clients enjoy a 75% discount. Please contact ...
The cryptocurrency phenomenon is also helping to write a number of business stories. Investing other people's money in cryptocurrencies, providing investment advice, arranging the purchase ...
  • Právne poradenstvo klientom pri príprave a zosúladení ich biznis modelu s požiadavkami kladenými na poskytovateľov služieb krpytoaktív podľa Nariadenia MiCA;
  • Primárna emisia hybridných tokenov a ich umistnenie na decentralizovanej burze v rámci sekundárneho predaja;
  • Primárna emisia tokenov (ICO) a security tokenov (STO);
  • Právne a daňové poradenstov pri založení a spravovaní alternatívnych investičných fondov nachádzajúcich sa v offshore jurisdikciách a investujúcich do kryptoaktív;
  • Štruktúrovanie biznis modelu v súvislosti s vytvorením služieb správy a manažovania kryptomenových portfólií;
  • Posudzovanie súladu biznis modelu s kryptomenami s reguláciou platobných služieb a elektronických peňazí;
  • Vytváranie investičných produktov investujúcich do kryptoaktív pre zákazníkov klienta;
  • Tokenizácia nehnuteľností prostredníctvom emisie NFT;
  • Vytváranie štúdie pre klienta zameranej na vytvorenie právneho a daňového rámca pre fungovanie jeho internej tokenovej sústavy.