
ESOP – zamestnanecké akcie

Zamestnaneckým akciám a celému ESOP-u sa venujeme komplexne po právnej, daňovej aj účtovnej stránke. Klientom navrhujeme a štruktúrujeme ESOP schémy, draftujeme ESOP zmluvnú dokumentáciu a poskytujeme aj daňovo-odvodové posúdenie konkrétnych ESOP štruktúr.

Highgate Law & Tax has once again scored an outstanding success in the prestigious Law Firm of the Year competition, where it has maintained its ...
The legislative regulation of employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs) has long been the subject of professional discussions. In 2023, the National Council of the Slovak ...
We welcomed more than 200 attendees to our largest conference to date, which focused on real estate financing through various regulatory and tax structures. We ...
The business community has enthusiastically embraced the recently approved amendment to the Income Tax Act (“ITA“), which aims to not tax/tax acquired shares in companies ...
The topic of ESOPs has long been a theme of the Highgate Group. From a tax, legal as well as practical/commercial point of view. The ...
Employee stock option plans (ESOPs) have become standard in Slovak companies in recent years. And not only in start-ups, but also in larger and profitable ...
We like to do things differently, we even enjoy doing things differently. And obviously this approach proved to be successful when we organized a conference ...
The aim of the conference specifically dedicated to ESOPs was to show best practices ofdifferent types of such structures in a comprehensible way. This is ...
Highgate Law & Tax participated in the prestigious Law Firm of the Year competition, the only one of its kind in Slovakia, which is attended ...
The legislative regulation of employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs) has long been the subject of professional discussions. In 2023, the National Council of the Slovak ...
Highgate Law & Tax has once again scored an outstanding success in the prestigious Law Firm of the Year competition, where it has maintained its ...
We welcomed more than 200 attendees to our largest conference to date, which focused on real estate financing through various regulatory and tax structures. We ...
We like to do things differently, we even enjoy doing things differently. And obviously this approach proved to be successful when we organized a conference ...
Highgate Law & Tax participated in the prestigious Law Firm of the Year competition, the only one of its kind in Slovakia, which is attended ...
Tomáš Demo, our partner and specialist in employee shares and shares gave an interview for Hospodárske noviny, in which he spoke, among other things, about ...
Employee stock option plans (ESOPs) have become standard in Slovak companies in recent years. And not only in start-ups, but also in larger and profitable ...
In the era of the digital economy, skilled and experienced employees are often a company’s most valuable asset. Technology and high-growth companies in particular are ...
The aim of the conference specifically dedicated to ESOPs was to show best practices ofdifferent types of such structures in a comprehensible way. This is ...
This is a recording of a 55-minute lecture from our conference on legal and tax optimization for technology companies (more info here), which we organized ...
  • Korporátne, daňové a účtovné poradenstvo pre spoločnosť vyvíjajúcu krypto decentralizovanú burzu v oblasti vstupov investorov cez rôzne inovatívne tituly ako sú opcie alebo tokeny alebo tzv. „shadow equity“ a nastavovanie ESOP štruktúry;
  • Nastavenie komplexnej štruktúry zamestnaneckých akcií pre spoločnosti zo skupiny Crowdberry;
  • Daňovo-právne poradenstvo spoločnosti Dedoles s.r.o. pri nastavení opcií na predaj podielov v materskej spoločnosti a nastavenia odmeňovacích modelov v podobe tieňových podielov pre kľúčových dodávateľov a zamestnancov spoločnosti;
  • Poradenstvo v súvislosti so založením holdingovej štruktúry pre zakladateľov spoločnosti Photoneo s.r.o. a vydaniu zamestnaneckých akcií;
  • Nastavenie ESOPu, ako aj korporátnej štruktúry pre spoločnosť WageNow z právneho, ako aj daňového hľadiska;
  • Príprava daňovo-právnej analýzy možností nastavenia plánu odmeňovania kľúčových zamestnancov a kontraktorov prostredníctvom zamestnaneckých tieňových opcií pre spoločnosť NetCore j.s.a. a následná implementácia tejto štruktúry;
  • Nastavovanie ESOP štruktúry pre spoločnosť itrinity.