
Kapitálové trhy a investičné právne a daňové štruktúry

Klientom radíme pri výbere a štruktúrovaní rôznych tuzemských aj cezhraničných investičných štruktúr, a to tak z právneho aj daňového hľadiska a tieto štruktúry následne aj účtujeme. V rámci nášho poradenstva tiež zastupujeme klientov pri povoľovacích a registračných konaniach pred Národnou bankou Slovenska.

We are relatively intensively involved in the topic of collective investment within the Highgate Group. In addition to our experience with the actual establishment and ...
The next installment in the Highgate Talks series looks at the legal and tax aspects of peer-to-peer platforms. The video podcast features a discussion between ...
It has been 13 years since the adoption of the AIFMD. This directive has been of fundamental, even revolutionary, importance in the field of investment ...
What is crowdfunding? Crowdfunding is a modern and increasingly established method of alternative fundraising, especially for startups and small and medium-sized enterprises. The essence of ...
The topic of the eleventh episode of the Highgate Talks podcast is investing in real estate through real estate funds. In the podcast, our guest ...
Highgate Law & Tax has once again scored an outstanding success in the prestigious Law Firm of the Year competition, where it has maintained its ...
Taxation of ETF funds , problems in the taxation of bonds, opportunities for tax optimisation, as well as common mistakes made by investors when taxing ...
Crowdfunding is an alternative form of funding for both charitable and entrepreneurial projects. It is a matching of the demand and supply of funds, where ...
ETF taxation at a glance In general, we recognise two scenarios for ETF taxation: What is an ETF? “An ETF (Exchange Traded Fund) is an ...
The next installment in the Highgate Talks series looks at the legal and tax aspects of peer-to-peer platforms. The video podcast features a discussion between ...
The topic of the eleventh episode of the Highgate Talks podcast is investing in real estate through real estate funds. In the podcast, our guest ...
The topic of the seventh podcast in the Highgate Talks series is ETF taxation. In this podcast, our partner Peter Varga, as a moderator and ...
Highgate Law & Tax has once again scored an outstanding success in the prestigious Law Firm of the Year competition, where it has maintained its ...
Taxation of ETF funds , problems in the taxation of bonds, opportunities for tax optimisation, as well as common mistakes made by investors when taxing ...
Crowdfunding is an alternative form of funding for both charitable and entrepreneurial projects. It is a matching of the demand and supply of funds, where ...
In June 2023, the National Bank of Slovakia organised a very successful conference on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the National Bank of ...
In November 2023, TA3 held its biggest conference to date. Various investment topics were discussed during the different panels. Peter Varga, who represented Highgate Group, ...
In November, Highgate Group organised the largest ever business conference in Bratislava’s Grand Hotel River Park and Luxury Collection on the legal, tax and regulatory ...
We welcomed more than 200 attendees to our largest conference to date, which focused on real estate financing through various regulatory and tax structures. We ...
Highgate Law & Tax participated in the prestigious Law Firm of the Year competition, the only one of its kind in Slovakia, which is attended ...
Who can set up an alternative fund in Slovakia and what does it entail? There is currently a growing interest in small investment funds. Although ...
On 14.6.2022, we organized a unique conference in Slovakia on the establishment and operation of investment funds at the Park Inn by Radisson hotel in ...
Both small and larger Slovak or foreign investment funds investing in real estate enjoy constant high attention among Slovaks. However, in addition to setting up ...
Small Slovak or foreign investment funds are gaining more and more attention among Slovaks. Thus, investment funds for real estate, securities, derivative operations, venture capital ...
Video recording from the Real Estate - Taxes and Financing Conference. Panel: Malé fondy na Slovensku a ich distribúcia
Video recording from the Real Estate - Taxes and Financing Conference. Panel: Alternatívne formy získavania kapitálu od investorov a investovanie do zahraničných nehnuteľností Presented by ...
Video recording from the Real Estate - Taxes and Financing Conference. Panel: Väčšie investičné fondy na nehnuteľnosti Presented by Peter Varga (Highgate Group) Panelists Pavol ...
Video recording from the Real Estate - Taxes and Financing Conference. Panel: Zakladanie fondov v zahraničí, zdaňovanie, regulácia a distribúcia na Slovensku Presented by Peter ...
Video recording from the Real Estate - Taxes and Financing Conference. Panel: Financovanie nehnuteľností Presented by Tomáš Demo (Highgate Group) Panelists Miroslav Hilčík (Wood & ...
  • Založenie prvého Európskeho fondu rizikového kapitálu (EuVECA) v krajinách V4 a jeho registrácia v Národnej banke Slovenska;
  • Zastupovanie klienta v licenčnom konaní pred Národnou banku Slovenska vo veci založenia správcovskej spoločnosti na správu alternatívnych investičných fondov a zahraničných alternatívnych investičných fondov;
  • Založenie, registrácia v Národnej banke Slovenska a následne kontinuálne právne, daňové a účtovné poradenstvo niekoľkým podlimitným alternatívnym investičným fondom, pričom viaceré z nich sme zakladali v právnej forme SICAV;
  • Zastupovanie klienta v sankčnom konaní pred Národnou bankou Slovenska vo veci neoprávneného vykonávania kolektívneho investovania, a to v prvom stupni (Útvar dohľadu nad finančným trhom) aj druhom stupni (Banková rada);
  • Právne poradenstvo zahraničným správcovským spoločnostiam (AIFM, správcovia UCITS) pri nastavovaní ich distribučnej siete a distribúcii zahraničných alternatívnych investičných fondov na Slovensku;
  • Založenie druhého Európskeho fondu rizikového kapitálu (EuVECA) na Slovensku a jeho registrácia v Národnej banke Slovenska;
  • Právne poradenstvo, vrátane vypracovania kompletnej dokumentácie, pri viacerých neverejných a verejných (s prospektom) ponukách dlhopisov na Slovensku;
  • Právne poradenstvo crowdfundingovej platforme pri nastavení jej zmluvnej dokumentácie pre sprostredkovanie zabezpečených pôžičiek;
  • Daňovo-právne poradenstvo spočívajúce v analýze, návrhu a štruktúrovaní viacerých potenciálnych IPO slovenských spoločností na Burze cenných papierov v Bratislave;
  • Založenie samostatného finančného agenta;
  • Kontinuálne daňovo-právne poradenstvo peer-to-peer platforme pri výkone jej podnikateľskej činnosti a potenciálnych presahov jej aktivít do finančnej regulácie;
  • Právna a daňová asistencia pri zakladaní zahraničných fondových štruktúr pre slovenské spoločnosti;
  • Vypracovanie AML dokumentácie a ad hoc AML poradenstvo povinným osobám v oblasti finančnej regulácie;
  • Komplexné právne, regulačné a daňové poradenstvo pri vytváraní investorských štruktúr ako sú fondové, dlhopisové, investičné a iné štruktúry.